Monday, May 22, 2017



We wrestle with challenges in different season of our lives.  We all will come to that fork in the road and a choice has to be made to stay one way or go another.  I’ve even heard some say they just couldn’t decide and quitting was too easy and so there they were stuck at the fork in the road.

Do we quit because we just want to give up or we think the next road will be more difficult?  I know it’s much easier to quit at times than shovel on through the problem.  I head an older pastor say one time that the more God wants to use you, the more likely you’ll be tempted to just quit.  I know it’s true as at times I have felt that way….it was just easier to quit.

As I’ve gotten older, maybe not any wiser, but older, sometimes God has helped me to see that the reward is to pray and chose the next step.  It may look harder but the reward has been just around the next curve.  And sometimes I have gotten a little glimpse of one road and opened my eyes to trek back a bit and take the other road which ended up being the best road at the time.  Sometimes the reward is just staying the course and not going down another road until you get a clear picture of which one you are to take.  You’re not quitting but waiting.

It may not always be easy and we may be tempted to give up, but stop and ask God for the best direction and road to take.  I always include talking to God first and I don’t always take other people’s advice on what your road I should be on in my life.  God has allowed me in the past to catch a glimpse of the outcome had I stayed on that road.

If you’re tempted to give up, give in or quit at times….seek God out and don’t do it.  Listen to Him and for Him.  Sometimes he just wants you to keep on keeping on.

So let us not become tired of doing good; for if we do not give up, the time will come when we will reap the harvest.”   (Galatians 6:9 GNT)

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