Thursday, March 16, 2017


I had a word already to go this morning….but God sometimes steps in and He gave me another word to share today. Looking out my window this morning….and seeing this sunrise...WOW! The vibrant colors of a golden red. I was in awe. No two sunrises or sunsets are the same, each one I gasp in awe of our Creator. So the words of an old, old hymn came to my mind as I was in praise seeing the sunrise.

GILD is my word for today. The song says: “When morning GILDS the sky, my heart awakening cries, may Jesus Christ be praised”! This old hymn is from the mid 1800’s or earlier. It never ceases to come to my mind when I see a beautiful sunrise. Gild means when there is an added thin layer of gold to cover something. Sometimes it can mean giving off an attractive but deceptive appearance. In some dictionaries it says: to try to improve what is already beautiful or excellent.

I look at it like this….there are many out there who want to try and be gilded. They put on a thin gold layer to try to shine better than they are. They don’t understand that it’s not needed. God made each of us special in our own ways. No need to try to be deceptive when we are already beautiful the way God made us. I like honest people….those who are who they are without being afraid of having to change their personality to whomever they are hanging with. It’s sad and they live their life worried if they will be liked or accepted…so they pour even more fake gold to their lives to live in a world that doesn’t even care that much about them.

No need for us to try to live gilded. God loves each one of us as a most precious piece of real gold. He sends us a sunrise each morning, He speaks to us through the day….He bless us with so many blessing that we don’t need to add gilded colors to our lives. Each day He reminds us of how precious we are to Him and when I see a morning sky like this morning….I can’t help but praise Him. That thin layer of gold and red colors….was all I needed to start my day in knowing God is there and He loves me just the way I am.

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