Thursday, March 30, 2017


REMINDER: It is to put in mind of something, cause to remember, a written or spoken message that reminds someone to do something. Many of us put notes in our phones, datebooks, calendars, post it notes on the fridge to make us remember at times things we need to do or get done. I’m talking about today the reminder “to make our moments count”. So many of us lead such busy, hectic life that the minutes turn into another day, week and year. Our life has passed us by in a blink.

The moments pass us so fast, as if we are standing on the side of a race track and before we know it, the race is over and we are left scratching our heads and wonder where it all went. Time moves on and people come and go in our lives. We notice more aches and pains and we dread to look in the mirror as we see an older person of the one we used to be. Another reminder as a wake-up call that our time is limited and we need to make moments count.

None of us are perfect, we are all flawed. Things we said we would do or told people we would and we have let it be pushed off until tomorrow and sadly we all know that tomorrow never comes. We tell ourselves we will have time later and again…usually it never happens. Another day comes and passes just like the race we are watching and soon another year is gone of things we intended to take care of.

Our calm can suddenly turn into a tsunami. We feel like a large spatula has come out of the sky and flipped our lives upside down like a fried egg. What used to be the easy and normal has now been torn up and unfamiliar to us. Many of us are having to deal with some heavy situations and issues of health, cancer, death, money, jobs….etc. REMINDERS that nothing is going to stay the same….we need to make our moments count.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I need REMINDERS to appreciate my life…especially my loved ones. I might not a tomorrow and I don’t want to pass on letting them know I love them or how much they mean to me. I don’t want to wait and put off living my life either…I need the REMINDER to live and make my moments count, do all I can to encourage and lift others up when they need it. So, this is a REMINDER for those reading this….today is a good time to start to make your moments count.

“Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are fleeting my life is.” (Psalm 39:4 NLT)

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