Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Creatures of habit…..man is that the truth.  Many of us think we are not….but I got a big dose of habit thrown at me last night.  Rick had to install a new hard drive for our computer.  The old one was about to die on us.  So you know how it goes….get your files saved and then get a new one installed.

Now I am not computer or tech savvy….I mean at all!  This is a foreign land, language and again….I will admit, a creature of habit when it comes to the computer.  I like the familiar, I like knowing I can sit right now and send an email or get to where I want or find a file.  I can’t do that right now.  I’m and old dog having to learn a new trick and as much as I hate it….I know it will be good for me in the long run.

I’ll have to get out of my routine, my rut and learn something new and different.  I might fight it some but it’s one of those “just have to pull up the pants” and learn it all over again.  As a matter of fact, I had to search and find the program I could even write my thoughts out.  It’s even different, but I found it and for this old gal…that’s something.

As much as I hate to admit that I am a creature of habit, it’s the truth and no getting around it folks.  We all are.  Stop and think about your routine, the TV shows we watch, the meals we eat, which way we drive to work and back, how we do laundry, the list goes on and on.  We all in this life are creatures of liking the familiar, the road we know is smooth and less bumpy.

Change….it comes, even if we don’t want it to.  Nothing stays the same.  We either go with the flow or we drown at times.  I started to get upset a bit when Rick couldn’t get the addresses back into our address file….they are saved but hard to get to right now.  He will get it corrected….I have faith in him as he loves this computer stuff.  I know I will get the hang of it.  I’ll learn more and more as the days go….and I will soon be able to see that I once again am a comfortable “creature of habit” with the new computer.

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