Wednesday, February 15, 2017


For many of us....we live day in and day out. A sub-standard life....we go with the flow, we stay in line, we just make ends meet, we don't veer off to the left or right very often....we just go on in the mundane way we always have for years. Call it a rut, call it being comfortable with less it what you want....but I want more in my life. I want to live!!!

Now I'm not a crazy person by many standards (OK, some will beg to differ)....but I have been known to be a bit daring or crazy at times in my life and try something new or hang over the top of a tall cliff....just to see the view. I'm a big nature freak, as we used to call it back in the day. I love life.
"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key." These are some of the lyrics from the Eagles song....Already Gone. I like this part of that it reminds me that so many are loosing out on being chained....could be your past, could be many things that seem to keep us locked up and heavy with living.

I know the key to happiness. I know the key to living well. I know the key to finding the path I need to be on. I know the key to encouraging others. I know the key to being who I am and why I am here. I know the key to being just me and liking who I am. I have the key. I am lucky, or rather blessed to have understanding that I have that key that unlocks the chains we can so easily put ourselves in. I learned it a long time ago and have used that key to the fullest. God is my KEY. He has unlocked so many things in my chained up life in the past. Will I still get locked up in the future?? I don't know....but this I do know. It doesn't matter when the chains of life try to wrap around me or hook me to the wall.....God is my KEY....and I have no fears of being chained and my peace is all I need. I have the key!

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