Tuesday, February 21, 2017


My little Grand-daughter is in to puzzles. Not just the little easy wooden ones....she's starting to like a bit more challenge. She's at the age she sees the shapes, colors and edges and begins to fit the pieces together. When she does, we will clap, say "good job" and you can see her smile and her little spirit gets like....I DID IT!

Often times we wish we could step back at this puzzle called life. Our lives seem like we will never get the pieces to fit and just about the time we think it does....we're missing a piece or someone comes along and messes up the pieces or they just don't fit right. We try and try....needing some help because it isn't coming together.

Life's puzzle doesn't always fit how we think it should. Stuff is going to happen. We get frustrated, we can't make it work at times. Just like a child, we have to ask for help. When I have those days....I ask God. He will show me how to make the pieces fit in my life. Just like my Grand-daughter....when I do ask God for help, I can see how it's working out and where this and that fits better in this puzzle called life. I too then can sigh and hear God say...."GOOD JOB, you're getting it."

"I asked the Lord for help, and he answered me. He saved me from all that I feared." (Psalm 34:4 NCV)

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