Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Doing The Math

You do the math!!! I’m sure all of us have heard that when things don’t seem to add up. Bills to pay monthly and then you throw in an added unexpected cost like a trip to the ER or maybe the car broke down or needs new tires. Many of us live pay check to pay check. We sit down to look over the bills and we re-add and redo as much as we can and then we sit and scratch our heads and wonder how we can make the math come out right.

Maybe it’s not bills but something has come along that’s happened in your life and things are just not adding up right. Worries, concerns, loss of loved ones or other issues crowd in and we can’t get things to come out right. We just want to throw up our hands at times and wonder how we can make it through.

God does a different kind of math. I could tell you many ways He has taken care of things in my life when I didn’t think there was a way at all. I get worried, I have bills to pay, I have concerns and sometimes can’t get things to add up, however I trust God and let Him help me to take care of things. Now don’t get me wrong and think He’s a big magic lamp to rub when I need things. I know I might still have to work to get an extra cake order, but out of the blue one comes in that I didn’t expect to get. He comes through for us in so many ways and times when we didn’t think there was any way it could happen.

I trust Him. I trust Him with my bills and that means I don’t over spend when I know I don’t have the extra money. I trust Him when I am worried, afraid, concerned. I know He will make a way when there seems to be no other way. Because I have a RELATIONSHIP with Him. He takes care of things and sometimes in ways I wasn’t expecting, but He took care of it.
Believe me, in my mind when things don’t seem to add up….I let God do His “Divine Math” and takes care of it or gives me the peace in knowing it’s getting taken care of. I thank Him daily for always being there with me and I know His math always adds up.

“God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.” (1 Peter 5:7 CEV)

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