Wednesday, June 14, 2017


I have heard many complain they have used a GPS before and still didn’t follow the directions it gave.  Now I’ve been there and done that before and most of the times….the GPS is right.  I said most of the time.  I know one time my husband and I used one in Southern Arkansas, believe me, it ended up taking us all the way to just a dirt one lane road with tall grass on both sides and my husband finally said….THIS ISN’T RIGHT.  I was beginning to hear the banjo music from the “Deliverance” movie in my head.  He got the right coordinates in and we got to the right highway.  But most of us will admit, we may think we know better than a GPS device or instruction manuals or expert advice and then we hate to admit we were wrong.

Same with God’s Word.  If we are honest….most of us don’t like rules and regulations, but they are for our own good.  It saves us from doing wrong and making a mess out of our life.  God doesn’t intend to ruin your fun but some things we think are fun end up messing our lives up big time.  There are plenty of times I don’t always pay attention to His Words either….or follow what it says….but His Word is there to help me have a full and meaningful life.  So sometimes I need to stop and check my directions and I might need to just recalculate my route and make sure I am doing what God wants me to.

“I pondered the direction of my life, and I turned to follow your laws. I will hurry, without delay,
 to obey your commands.”  (Psalm 119:59-60 NLT)

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