Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Ice Berg Analogy

You ever find yourself in a room full of people and you’re expected to share a little bit about yourself in like 20 words or so? You may be the type that doesn’t like sharing in front of others in the first place and now you have to tell them all who you are in less than a minute. We might say who we are married to, our age (maybe not), what we do for a living or did do for a living, hobbies, achievements, or our interests? For some of us, we feel we don’t measure up when others are sharing things that sound so cool or neat. We may begin to feel even more awkward that we are just plain old plain old. We live in a performance-driven world….people are interested in status, titles or positions. And for many…we feel we don’t fit in.

What’s really under your surface is more important. Not what others think….but what God thinks of you. That’s more important than status. It’s like an ice-berg. What is seen above the water is only 10% and is what most people see of us….but what is beneath the water (around 90%) is what we really are in God’s eyes.

God doesn’t care about titles, how many jobs you’ve had, talents, trophies you’ve earned or degrees. God looks at our substance (heart) not our status. God loves a humble, contrite heart over any of those other things. He’s more interested in “what we are becoming” over what we have accomplished.

It’s easy to look at others and make a quick judgment about them by their present or past but we are only seeing 10% of that person and may not know all the tears and aches someone has in the 90% that is not showing. What we show to others is just the tip of the ice-berg and we keep the other part hidden at times. We all have the deep lines, cracks and scars that hit our very soul. Those are emotions that we carry, the hurts, insecurities and pains that others don’t see, but God does. He’s ready to help you live beyond just a status issue. He helps heal the 90% of things we don’t always share with others…..because He loves the one and only you, 100%!

“There is nothing that can be hid from God; everything in all creation is exposed and lies open before his eyes. And it is to him that we must all give an account of ourselves.” (Hebrews 4:13 GNT)

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