Monday, September 25, 2017


I know each morning that the sun will rise....and each evening the sun will set. I trust it will and don't worry that it won't. Many things we tend to just take for granted and things we trust without even thinking about it. We take in a breath and we blow it out, we get up out of bed and get moving each morning…..well, some of us are a bit slower than others. We make us a cup of coffee and we sit down, trusting that chair will hold us as we do. Many things we just go on and never even stop to understand as it’s familiar and we’ve learned to trust each time we had to do something.

It’s the same with God. I don't always have to understand how He will accomplish His plans....I just know He will. All He asks is that I surrender "my will" to His and TRUST that He will show me the way forward. Just like the sun always comes up each morning and I watch it begin another new day, so does my trust in the Lord. I’ve learned to not worry about things so much as He is there just as solid to me as the day before.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and He will show you the right way." (Proverbs 3:5-6 GNT)

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