Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Someday……we all hear that.  Some day we will go here, do this, and do that….someday.  Most of are good at saying it but never follow through.  I decided back in 2012 that I was going to do a different kind of someday.  I call it my PSALMS DAY.  I started taking a Psalms….any of them and I challenged myself to read one verse at a time….re-read and then write my thoughts down as to what I felt God was saying to me.  I love the Psalms.  I started a journal….and it amazed me at how God really spoke to my heart through each one but it amazed me more so that I was really going on a journey and letting it speak deeply to my heart.  Have I finished them all….nope?  I don’t do it daily….but try to keep at it each week and sadly some weeks slip by me, but I look forward to reading my Psalms and seeing what God has in store for me, verse by verse and I break it down and apply it to my life.  As I do this….it’s as if God is opening my eyes to how real He is.

Just like we say “someday” and we have good intentions and we don’t always follow through….I find myself feeling bad that I let a day go by and didn’t do or have my someday.  Funny how if we don’t stick with something each day it can soon be a thing of the past and just another SOMEDAY that we will get back to.  So I make it a habit and I remind myself as I know how it felt as a child to have someone tell me that “someday” we will do this and how much I was let down when I didn’t get to do it.  Same thing with God…..He looks forward to my Psalm Days with me.  I miss it too.  He has those appointments with me when I do take time to read his Word.

 "I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. (Psalm 119:11 New Living Translation)

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