Monday, October 23, 2017


I don’t know about the rest of you but seems like just a few days will go by and there are things that hit around me hard at times and I know that EVERYONE, even those who say they have deep faith, will face some disappointments, failures, sorry and loss. It’s part of living. Some might try to fill their time up with just plain old business to keep from dealing with issues, but when the crap hits the fan we all know it doesn’t distribute evenly. We are going to get hit with some issues, stress, loss and fears at times that hit us so low.

All of us have goals that somehow remain just out of our reach. Every one of us will suffer temporary setbacks, some that seem to go on forever in our lives too. We will even have folks who turn their backs on us at times and we can either become bitter, angry or become a recluse at times.

Many of us will have a “desert” experience too. Where you feel so dried up inside and that can even mean spiritually dry as well. Let’s be honest, we can even struggle with our faith at times. Believe me, because I have at times too. But in those seasons….it’s ok to cry out loud and bare your soul to the Lord. God is there and He is waiting and ready to hear us when we cry out. He always listens to me and helps me get back to where I need to be, so I know He will hear you too

I so often feel like David, in the Psalms, when he cried out in distress to the Lord. I have been in those shoes as many of you have been before or are going through it right now. Know that it’s OK to cry out to the Lord during these times, because He is there and will hear you. Just hang on!!!

"In my distress I screamed to the Lord for his help. And he heard me from heaven; my cry reached his ears" (Psalm 18:6 NLT)

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