Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Waltzing Leaf

Sitting outside, needing some calm in my heart, the wind picked up and was blowing. As I started watching the leaves being swept from the trees like someone giving the limbs a good shake, I started watching a smaller leaf as it fell. 

Slowly it began to float and flutter, swaying up and down lightly as if in slow motion it seemed to go across the blue sky like a beautiful waltz was playing as it took its last dance toward the ground. It hit me that I just had a special little moment in time to be the one to see that leaf and capture the beauty of its dance in my heart.

How long had that leaf taken to grow back in the early spring? How long had that leaf clung to life through all the rains, summer storms and winds we had over the past months? It had held on…until now and my eyes got to see the wonder of its last dance. I had a special moment that brought a smile to my face as I sat and thought about my life.

God surprises me in the smallest of things. I want to always be aware of them around me and to take notice and not miss out. Just like that leaf, I too have to continue to grow, be strong in the storms as the winds of change in my life will come to buffet against me. I continue to cling to Him daily and one day I will then be like that small leaf and I’ll break free and in that moment of time I will let it all go and just be guided and dance to and fro in a beautiful waltz with my Lord.

“Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT)

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