Friday, October 20, 2017

Autumn Season

Season of autumn.  Summer has gone and now the leaves have changed, falling to the earth and bringing the artist out in all of us as our eyes focus on the beauty of the colors all around. Autumn, that time of the year when crops are being harvested and things are starting to slow down a bit and so in our lives, we feel the chill in the air and know that this season also brings a time of "thankfulness."

As I walked around looking at the leaves on the ground, I noticed the textures and lines, it brought to mind of how many of us are like a leaf.  No two just alike.  We all have different personalities, gifts, talents and styles.  It makes us one of a kind and so unique.  For many of us we blend in too well with all the others and never get noticed, unless someone takes the time to slow down and really see who we are.   I like to watch people and I notice the beauty in others and I am thankful for every person who has crossed the path in my life. 

Many of us are in that season of autumn in our own lives. Sometimes writers use the analogy of autumn as the time in a person’s life when they are growing older.  I can say that I am closer to the autumn in my own life.  However, sometimes the young, green leaves have been stripped from the tree at an early season.  Some are dealing with the loss of loved ones, illnesses that have slowed us down, aches and pains that remind us how fragile we all can be at any point in our life and not just in autumn. 

The leaves will slowly decay and be gone, just like people in our lives and new leaves will appear in the spring just like new friends. But for now, it's a beautiful reminder to me of how so unique each and every one of us are and to be thankful for the many blessed people we have in our life.   Autumn is here....get out and see the beauty around you and in others before it’s gone.

"Everything on earth has its own time and its own season." (Ecclesiastes 3:1 CEV)

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