Monday, October 9, 2017

Light Matters

Light is so cool.....and if you are an artist or photographer, you know how important the light has to be for the outcome of your work. I love the look of the early morning sunlight as it comes in through a window or door and adds a touch of amber or that fresh start to things. However....sometimes the light hits in just the right way and it will show a ton of small particles of dirt and dust on my doors, tables, etc. I could have sworn I had just dusted it and thought it was really cleaned off. To my surprise, the sunlight was showing me that what I thought was clean, was not.

I got to thinking about LIGHT....and we all know how just a strike of a match in a really dark room can illuminate enough to see and find your way around. Some in the science world will tell you that holding up a white piece of paper in the sunbeam, you won't see all the white dust particles in front of the white's not a matter of your eyes adjusting, it's more a matter that the background is bright enough to hide the specks, so they don't stand out. But when it's a bit darker and the sunlight comes'll see the specks of dust. The background is darker.

Just like us. We get so used to the little things we do all the time and think nothing of it....we THINK we got it all under control and we are so good and God must really love us and we've not done anything wrong or bad lately and our eyes see us a the white background....and then Jesus steps up as the LIGHT in our darkness....and man....those particles are showing up then. The small things and sometimes big things that we overlook and tend to not let our eyes see and think smugly that we are all cleaned up, when in fact....there's a ton of dirt we are overlooking. God has a way of shining His LIGHT....His SON-LIGHT in to make sure we open our eyes to see the faults and little sins we tend to overlook and yet point out in others. SON-LIGHT will help us to see things better.

"But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible." (Ephesians 5:13 ESV)

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