Sunday, January 29, 2017

ENVY....don't stay long!

Envy has no end. So much around us that we see, hear and then we wish we had it. Many of us see others prosper and have so much when we can barely scrape and make ends meet each month. We look and see and think, why do some have it so easy?

Envy is a disease in our soul and you can ignore it, but it's going to surface. It will consume you and soon you can't enjoy your life. It robs you of your peace.
I can say....I try to move on when I begin to feel myself wishing for this or that. We all envy something at times. However, I try to drop it quickly and instead stop and take a moment to see all the blessings I already have.

No one is perfect, but some of the things I have envied, ended up being something or someone's life that had tons of heartaches attached with it. It wasn't all cut out to be great and the grass wasn't all that greener.....just green with envy.

I pray daily that envy is kept checked in my life....because my life is God's gift and He gave it to I know although I might not have everything I want that I see....He know's what is best for me....and for that I am very blessed and thankful.

"Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other." (Galatians 5:26 NIV)

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