Monday, January 30, 2017


I heard a lady talking the other day telling another lady she went to her ATM machine to withdraw some money and it showed up that there were "insufficient funds". The other lady went on to say she hated when she got a notice from her bank the old fashioned way telling her that her account was overdrawn. 
Believe has happened to most of us at one point or time in our lives. We think we have enough money in the bank to pay for something and sadly....we don't. The account is low or dried out, until we can get more money back in. And usually we owe the bank more money to cover not having enough money in the first place.

It got me to thinking about God and his love. I do some pretty stupid things at times and I can shoot myself low in thinking that I've probably hit the "insufficient funds" of His love towards me. We can get down at times and begin to let the negative thoughts hit us and we say things like...."we're not good enough anymore, how could God love me after all I've done, or one I've heard lately...I can't stand myself, why would He even care about me." All of these things come from Satan....not God.

God's love is like a never ending supply in our bank account of life. We can't exhaust His supply of love for us. If you think you use up all His love'll still have more tomorrow. God will supply more and more today, tomorrow and forever. Jeremiah said that God's love never's made fresh every morning. Wow....what a promise and good feeling to know, at least in my life it is, because I love to know that my account will be full when I blow it....when I let him know I'm sorry and ask for Him to forgive me.....the love is still there.

God's compassion is fresh every morning and I love knowing I will never reach the point where His supply of love is in-sufficient or exhausted. He will never run out of love for me. This means you can never blow it so bad that God will leave or abandon you. He's the God of second, third, so on and so on chances. If you feel uncertain that God can forgive you for the things you've done in your past....just ask Him to forgive and help you to replace your fears with some faith. If you ask Him...He will forgive.....that supply of love never runs out.

"The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning." (Lamentations 3:22-23 NLT)


  1. I like how you related it to getting an insuficient funds prompt at the ATM. It inspired some reflection and definitely generated some gratitude. Sometimes we take for granted the unconditional love that is bestowed upon us and the fact that it is available at all times. Life's issues remind us that while funds, relationships, and material possessions may fall short or simply cease to exist. Yet, nothing can separate us from God's love (Romans 8:35-39).

  2. many times it just takes something simple to catch our attention and draw us to a reflection of gratitude.
