Monday, January 9, 2017


For many of us....if you opened up a tool box, you would know what some of the tools are used for. A hammer, screwdriver, pliers, etc. We've used them before so we know what they are used for and we know what their purpose and function is. If we learn a trade or a job, we have to have the right tools to succeed. We may need to take a class or spend time as an apprentice learning how to even do a certain job.

So it is with our purpose in life. Many of us wander around like someone threw us in a room with A tool box of items we know nothing about and we flounder around trying to guess and figure out what our function is. Many waste years when you come to think about it. Some of us can relate far more than what we would like to admit.

At least in my own life, I've learned that I have to include God and get His instructions for everything to fall in place and know how to use the tools He has given to me. Including my time, talents and interests. If I don't get the instructions given to me, there will always be a longing and this feeling gnawing at me inside that lets me know I'm not doing it just right. Try as I may, trying to figure it out in my own strength is really hard. I mess up, I get myself way off and then it's hard to make anything come out right. I feel like a failure then.

So, I know from my past that I don't know it all. I have to have someone else who knows it way better than me what my life is and means. I trust in God as He hands me instructions daily. He gives me the right tools I need for the day and when I look back He helps me to succeed. I don't have to keep trying to pick up a tool and wonder what it's used for and if I'm doing it right. All I have to do if look at the instructions and know He is helping me to figure it all out.

" I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you." (Psalm 32:8 ESV)

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