Tuesday, January 17, 2017


I don't know about someone else but I do know myself. It amazes me of how ignorant I am about myself at times. I don't always recognize the envy, laziness or pride or other issues...when it's right there for me to see. However, God sees it and He will begin to work on me to help me look deep inside.

I have to admit, it takes courage to take a hard look inward at ourselves. We don't always want to or like to see the flaws and habits we have become. It's easier to not turn on a light inside....and let the darkness just be so no one, even ourselves see how we really are.

I'm thankful though, that God sees me better than I truly am. Being honest and upfront here....I'm not worthy at all for Him to love me at times, yet He thinks so. When I am examining my own soul.....it's slow but God will bring things up to the light there in the dark places I have pushed down and He helps me to see and understand that He can take all that darkness and let it be changed into a beautiful light.

Is it hard at times, yes. But I would rather shine than be stuck in the dark.

"The Lord’s light penetrates the human spirit, exposing every hidden motive." (Proverbs 20:2 NLT)

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