Monday, January 16, 2017


Treasure is different to each person. An old jewelry box with regular necklaces, none of any value to some. Old watches that no longer work. A few old coins and lots of broken earring pieces and tiny tidbits of kept things. Mostly classified by many as just junk.

My Grand-daughter saw my Mom's old jewelry box in a chest I had. She asked what treasure was in it? To a 3 year old, an old box is full of treasures. And as I opened it up, the look on her sweet little face and eyes lighting up...she had hit the jackpot!

She carefully started lifting pins, watches, necklaces. Putting some on and checking them out. Her wonder of even tiny little things asking about some even I didn't know what they were. To her each seemed to hold a worth as she diligently picked them up to take a closer look. She would say "ohhh, so pretty, look at this one it shines."

We spent a good time viewing the treasures and I thought to myself how my Mom would be delighted to know her regular old everyday jewelry was being gentle treated like it was worth millions.

Truly, one man's junk is another man's treasure. It sure was to my little Grand-daughter.

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