Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Many who know me, really know me, know that I am an Encourager.  I can’t help it….call me the side line cheerleader.  My older brother, Ron, always told me I was his personal cheerleader and I have a few close friends who have told me they can count on me to cheer them on when they are feeling low.  As a Believer and Follower of Christ….God gives us what is called SPIRITUAL GIFTS.  Now this is different than just talents we have been blessed with.  If you read in 1st Corinthians 12, the list is there.  Some can have a few, but not all.  There are some on-line tests you can take to find out what your gifts are.  And funny, when you take the test….it really does fall in to your personality, things you like to do and other talents you may have that can be used for God’s Glory.  Encouragement is my top one.

This morning I was heavy in my heart over several friends I have that are going through some tough times.  Seems if you are an “encourager” God tends to send those who need it the most your way.  But where does the cheerleader get some encouragement when they are always cheering others on?  I asked God that this morning, which I already knew the answer but was having one of those little “pity parties” with myself and feeling a bit alone.  I stepped outside and went to my little area where I will swing at times and look over the back field. 

GOD let me see and hear all around me.  Open my eyes and ears, He said.  Birds were singing all over the place.  Blue sky and a breeze with light clouds forming off in the distance.  Bees buzzing around my wild flowers and the sounds of the cicada’s chiming in.  I felt the warmth come over me and could hear God say….THERE YOU GO CHEERLEADER….I know your heart is heavy but you carry on for me.  Listen and be cheered by how blessed you are.   I was….and my shoulders lifted a bit and I felt stronger.

As I got back up to head in the house…..I stopped for just a minute and looked down….BINGO…a 4 leaf clover!  Some might call it a fluke, some might say just a coincidence….but I knew it was God letting me know He was there and it made me smile.  I was encouraged big time.  God cares about all of us and He is in to the “little things” to show us He’s there.  This cheerleader got encouraged for sure.

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