Wednesday, July 5, 2017


I was working on a more detailed painting and I had to use a special desk/light magnifying glass to really get a good look at the design I was doing. It helped me to really see where I needed to add some lines and make sure they looked ok. But it got me thinking about how someone was telling me that they knew someone who always liked to magnify the details in someone else's life. This person told me she was on the receiving end.....that the person was making sure to bring tiny details to light and use them to belittle her, instead of seeing the good that they had been doing and trying to do things right.

So many of us are guilty of this. Call it what you want.....blaming, accusing someone, gossiping about them, nit-picking them to shreds, condemning them and just judging before we know someone. We know what it is and we know it's usually to make our self-look much better. We are in a habit of pointing a finger and still having 3 pointing back at our self but we choose the blinders then.

Instead of tearing someone down or trying to find tiny issues with a magnifying glass....we should be repairing and building others up. We all need to be seeing the good in them....seeing them as a person, a friend, a loved one. After all....what if we turned the magnifying glass on our own life.....many of us wouldn't like what we see.

"Some of you accuse others of doing wrong. But there is no excuse for what you do. When you judge others, you condemn yourselves, because you are guilty of doing the very same things." (Romans 2:1 CEV

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