Thursday, July 27, 2017

Counting Days

Lately I’ve been hearing folks talk about “counting days”. One was counting days till their retirement in another month. Another counting down till vacation, while another was counting the days till their new baby arrived. Kids are counting down the days they have left of summer till school starts back up and so are the teachers. Sadly, one told me they had been counting the days till their loved one passes on. Face it, we all count our days at times but what really got me to thinking was, DO WE REALLY MAKE OUR DAYS COUNT?

Most of us have heard the little saying that you have the date you were born and the date you will pass away on your headstone, but it’s the dash in between that is the living. It’s true, those are the days we count. Talking with the person, who’s family member is passing away, they told me they had wished they could get some of their days back with their loved one and make the days really count with them. I know we are all guilty of it. We get so busy living the dash that we don’t really make our day count.

I told my friend that they can’t change the days that are gone, but they can make each remaining day count and be precious that they do have with their loved one. Make those so special that they will not feel guilty for taking the time out to make those days count with them. I’m not preaching, but we all know it’s true. We fill our days up with so much stuff, crap, cell phones, tweets and one day we will look back and wish we had made our days count better with our family and friends.

I’m being perfectly honest with you all as I know I can let my days slip by and look back on a calendar and say….can’t even remember what happened on those days and nothing really will have counted. It was the same old same old routine and I could have, should have, but didn’t.

Are you counting the days…..or are you making your days count?

“You don’t really know about tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for only a short while before it vanishes.” (James 4:14 CEB)

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