Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Small choices add up and can have a big effect.  At the time, when we make a small choice we don’t always see the result from it or an impact it may make later on.  Just an example, for many of us if we make the wrong choice in eating something we can feel the major effects of it later on with heartburn or worse.  Some of the decisions we make today will determine the stories we tell about our lives tomorrow or down the road. 

I’ve talked to many people about how a choice they made in their youth has dogged them every day now as they have gotten older.  Bad choices made led to jail time, drug use, habits that are hard to kick and some have lost all they had, including their family.  All because of a choice they had made and didn’t see the result or how it would impact their life later.  On the other hand, I’ve also talked to those who said they had made a good choice after thinking and weighing the options they had in front of them before deciding.
Recently, I had someone tell me that they had lost their job a while back and was looking for another one and had prayed in finding the right one.  No jobs in site and suddenly two interviews came and they went on both and were going to be offered at both places.  The decision to go with one came with a lot more pay but seemed a little “iffy” in stability than the other one.  As the person said they were deciding to choose the “more paying job” over the other, a still small voice told them….THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT JOB FOR YOU.   Said person almost just let the still small voice go in and out their ear, however they decided to rely on the voice they heard and went to work with the lesser company.  Now after 14 years….this person said they made the right choice and has had the best job they have ever had in their life.  They also found out the other company went under in less than 2 years and they would have been without a job again.

Choices….we all have to make them day in and out.  They can have a major impact in our lives for the good and the bad.  One bad or good choice can affect us a life time.  For myself, I’ve always tried to include God with my choices and I have to admit, I selfishly sometimes don’t.  And when I didn’t….well, let’s just say God has saved me out of some situations in my bad choices I have made I the past.  We all have stories we could share about making the wrong or right choice.  When it comes down to it….we are not always the best for making them either…..another reason I rely on the Lord.

“Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don’t depend on your own understanding.  Remember the Lord in all you do, and He will give you success.”  (Proverbs 3:5-6 NCV)

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