Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Sometimes I feel like the $5 DVD bin at Walmart.  Strung here there and everywhere.  Not organized, turned upside down, sideways….you’ve seen it and know what I mean.  Everyone wants to dig around and pull stuff up and out and if it’s not to their liking, they toss it back and walk away.

Sounds kind of silly to use a DVD bin as an object lesson, but for most of us if we are normal blooded people, we know the feeling.  We get hit from all directions over feeling just looked at and tossed over.  From work, home, the kids to even doing it to ourselves.  We give off a good vibe of being one thing and as folks get closer to us….they can sometimes read what or who we really are and NOPE….toss you back and walk away.  They don’t want to watch and see who you really are, they only read the cover like a book and toss it back.  Sadly, we judge so many people these days by how they look, act, or seem. 

If we don’t take the time to really listen and get to know someone, we will never know the real person behind the cover.  I remember going to my 10 year class reunion (they just had the 45th one, so tells you how long it’s been!) and one gal who would have never given me the time of day in high school sat down and we got to laughing and talking.  She told me she wish she had gotten to know me better back then, that I was someone she would have liked to hang out with.  I wasn’t much better either as I thought she was too high and mighty at the time to get to know.  Both of us had missed an opportunity because we judged one another.  We were more alike and probably would have been good friends
Don’t miss seeing someone for just their cover.  So many people are hurting and we walk by daily and never notice the down and out.  We judge too easily these days and can miss knowing someone who might just be one of the best parts of your life….or what you need in your life right now.

“Some of you accuse others of doing wrong. But there is no excuse for what you do. When you judge others, you condemn yourselves, because you are guilty of doing the very same things.”  (Romans 2:1 CEV)

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