Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Zip the Lips

Our words have power.   Words can bless someone or break them down.  The old childhood saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me”, is a lie.  We all know too well how someone’s words cut us to the bone like they were using a steel blade knife.

I’ve got a scar on my right knee from falling on a rock as a kid.  It caused a gash that to this day is still there but rarely do I think about it anymore.  However, I can still remember like it was yesterday of some hurtful words that someone said to me or called me as a kid.  Being called worthless, you’ll never amount to anything, has stabbed at me many times over the years.  Other times, hearing someone tell me that you are important, that you do matter, have helped to shape me to who I am today.  I was told that God loved me and through Him, I have been able to move past negative words and not let them bother me to this day, but to be honest, it still does hurt at times.

Same with everyone.  Sometimes, we don’t realize what we are saying to those around us.  We use social media like it’s a right to put someone down or make fun of them.  Bullying comes in so many different forms these days.  We belittle people and then sit and chalk up another notch on our belts.  It doesn’t matter if you say the words out loud, in front of the person.  We type emails, tweet, and text words that we ourselves wouldn’t like to be said to us.  They have the power to hurt or help.

Next time you start to say, text, type your words to others….STOP and make sure what you are saying would hurt or help that person.  It’s hard to take something back when it’s been said.

Help me to guard my words whenever I say something.”  (Psalm 141:3 CEV)

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