Monday, July 10, 2017

Colors Show

Color gets the credit but value does the work?  This was an art blog this morning that I was reading.  It was saying that if you look closely at any painting that draws you in that likely you will find that the color played a big roll but it was the value of how much color was used that really did the trick.  The value is how light or dark a color is.  

If you work in painting….black will give you shades of a color where white adds tints or highlights to the color, thus shadows with dark and light with the whites.  The blogger was saying that the value of each color used is what makes the painting stand out. 

Some of you may look at some paintings and see where this works really well.  Next time you look at a painting….look at the background.  The darker the color in the background will cause the colors to pop out all through the painting.  Thus sometimes the masters would use an all-black background.  Other times the lighter background sets it off.  So it’s all about color but the value of colors makes it stand out.

Made me think about people.  I know several people who stand out both ways.  Some are always bubbling and full of life and no matter what goes on in their life….they stand out for being happy and make it through things.  We are drawn to them and enjoy being around them.  Then there are those who are always down, deep in moods, negative and we sometimes want to avoid being around them or we feel we will get drawn into the dark colors of their life.   Many of us don’t realize the true colors of ourselves.  We don’t stop to really see if we are a shining light or sending out darkness to those around us.  But believe me, we see it in others.   Just as that color draws us to a painting, the color we give off shows what we value.

 “But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.”  (Ephesians 5:13 NIV)

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