Monday, August 28, 2017

The Potter

This early morning as I am moving around and collecting my thoughts from being gone the last 5 days to what is ahead of me this week.  Trying to plan some catching up and as I’m sipping on my cup of coffee I looked over to the corner of my family room and I see some of the pottery my brother, Ron, had made and given to me at different times in my life when he was still alive.

My mind begins to take a nostalgic turn in the road as I start looking at the design of the hand thrown pot.  It brings waves of sadness that pulls and ebbs with each flow as I think upon the hands of my brother as he once made this beautiful piece from just a solid lump of clay.  I am also reminded of another Potter, the ONE who took me from just a lump of clay and has so far molded me into who I am and what He wants me to be. 

The Master Potter is not finished with me yet and though he may have to use his tools to cut away some of the mistakes and situations that cause marks in how I am to become, I have to trust that He is the one who sees the finished design and one day I will be that beautiful piece of pottery that He had in mind all along. I think of the old hymn:

Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way!
Thou art the Potter, I am the clay.
Mold me and make me after Thy will,
While I am waiting, yielded and still.

Help me to be still and to yield to the Potter's Hands.
"And yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand." (Isaiah 64:8 NLT)

Monday, August 21, 2017


This morning as I was reading a devotion….it jumped out at me, as most of us are preparing to watch the Eclipse later this afternoon, that God’s love continues to shine on us. I was drawn to remember who my Creator is and how His hand in in control of the sun, moon and stars all around me.

As we watch the moon come into place and darken the sun out, God is my LIGHT. There is no darkness in Him at all. We live in a world that seems to continue to be so evil and full of hate and it tries to extinguish or diminish our hope. God in all His brilliance is much brighter than the sun and His Glory will fill you with joy, love and hope.

When things in this world and in your own life try to upset or bring you down, hold on to God’s hand. Refuse to be intimidated and know He is with you. God’s light can break through any darkness we will go through.

Today as I watch the eclipse, I will be praising God, Who is the maker of it all. I will spend some time basking in His holy light and let His Face shine upon me. His love for us never dims!

“For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.” (2 Corinthians 4:6 NLT)

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Reason for HOPE

I had a question that hit me as I was reading a book. It asked, “When was the last time someone REALLY stopped you and asked about the REASON of your hope?” Wow, I mean in all seriousness, I did have to really think and then I had to admit my thought was OUCH!

If we’re honest here, there really isn’t anything about our lives worth asking about. Most of us just go day in and day out in the most normal way, nothing sets us apart from anyone else. We robotically get up, deal with normal life and go to bed and do it all over again. There’s nothing that intrigues someone to ask about our hopes, nothing to make someone curious.  Now, I’m not saying none of us have hope. I mean…I hope I have enough money in the bank to pay my bills each week. Enough money to go on a vacation trip. We hope our favorite team makes it to the World Series, we hope we don’t get cancer or we hope we can deal with cancer. Everybody has some kind of hopes like that and there’s nothing wrong with that but it’s also not unusual. So why would most folks ask us about that? It’s just normal life in general.

What got me to thinking is, I don’t want my walk with God to be something that no one sees. I don’t want it to be something that others don’t ask about and wonder what my real hope is in. I know I share these devotions on my page and I know some read them and comment, that’s not what I am fishing for is comments. I just hope some are reading them. I pray each time I post that it will bring some meaning to someone else’s life on here. Maybe help to make a difference for their day and place some HOPE that they have a reason to even live.

If you don’t feel you have that HOPE in your life. I’m here for you. I sure don’t know all the answers there are in the Bible but I can sure help you find what you are seeking. No mumble jumble coming to church stuff, that’s not what it’s about. But if you want real hope….God is there. Believe me, not talking religious stuff….I’m not even going there. But I can pray for you and get you on the right track if you need someone to talk to. I just know that I have HOPE that is the best kind and you can have through Jesus Christ.

“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13 NLT)

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Sometimes I feel like the $5 DVD bin at Walmart.  Strung here there and everywhere.  Not organized, turned upside down, sideways….you’ve seen it and know what I mean.  Everyone wants to dig around and pull stuff up and out and if it’s not to their liking, they toss it back and walk away.

Sounds kind of silly to use a DVD bin as an object lesson, but for most of us if we are normal blooded people, we know the feeling.  We get hit from all directions over feeling just looked at and tossed over.  From work, home, the kids to even doing it to ourselves.  We give off a good vibe of being one thing and as folks get closer to us….they can sometimes read what or who we really are and NOPE….toss you back and walk away.  They don’t want to watch and see who you really are, they only read the cover like a book and toss it back.  Sadly, we judge so many people these days by how they look, act, or seem. 

If we don’t take the time to really listen and get to know someone, we will never know the real person behind the cover.  I remember going to my 10 year class reunion (they just had the 45th one, so tells you how long it’s been!) and one gal who would have never given me the time of day in high school sat down and we got to laughing and talking.  She told me she wish she had gotten to know me better back then, that I was someone she would have liked to hang out with.  I wasn’t much better either as I thought she was too high and mighty at the time to get to know.  Both of us had missed an opportunity because we judged one another.  We were more alike and probably would have been good friends
Don’t miss seeing someone for just their cover.  So many people are hurting and we walk by daily and never notice the down and out.  We judge too easily these days and can miss knowing someone who might just be one of the best parts of your life….or what you need in your life right now.

“Some of you accuse others of doing wrong. But there is no excuse for what you do. When you judge others, you condemn yourselves, because you are guilty of doing the very same things.”  (Romans 2:1 CEV)

Friday, August 4, 2017

Heart Love

"I've discovered that if people are not on my heart, they’re on my nerves. Heart love begins with understanding why someone feels the way they do. Ask questions and then listen. Hear the hurt, look for the problems, know what makes them tick. You need to understand the moods of the people closest to you, why they act the way they do. If you care, you’ll be aware. " (Rick Warren, Saddleback Church)

I do this. Something in me.....I pick up on those around me....I see hurts and or hear them share their problems.  I tend to have a lot of sympathy that turns over into empathy and I somehow end up trying to help others around me all the time.

However, it's not always given back or folks aware of the pain I am going thru at times, or problems I may have.....because, I don't always send out the vibes that something is going on.  I am good at masking and don't share the hurts, or let others see that I may be hurting or something is deeply bothering me.  I put on the mask or I keep trying to just help others and go on.  So many times when I am throwing out some advice or lifting someone else up through a word or trying to help….inside I have to go off and be by myself and almost shut down to recoup.

I'm the clown, cheerleader, and helper, that person who wears the smiling face and makes sure that everyone else is taken care of......because I have people on my heart all the time. I have HEART LOVE for those around me.  It’s part of what is called my “spiritual gift” to encourage those around me.   But some days....I'm like Rick Warren says.....when they are not on my heart....folks can really get on my nerves. So if I care.....I'll be more aware and slow down and try to understand that person a little better.  I put myself in their shoes and I take time out to feel what they are going through.  Heart love….look around folks, people need some of us to stop and understand them instead of getting upset with them.

“Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.  Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.”  (Romans 12:9-10 NLT)

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Small choices add up and can have a big effect.  At the time, when we make a small choice we don’t always see the result from it or an impact it may make later on.  Just an example, for many of us if we make the wrong choice in eating something we can feel the major effects of it later on with heartburn or worse.  Some of the decisions we make today will determine the stories we tell about our lives tomorrow or down the road. 

I’ve talked to many people about how a choice they made in their youth has dogged them every day now as they have gotten older.  Bad choices made led to jail time, drug use, habits that are hard to kick and some have lost all they had, including their family.  All because of a choice they had made and didn’t see the result or how it would impact their life later.  On the other hand, I’ve also talked to those who said they had made a good choice after thinking and weighing the options they had in front of them before deciding.
Recently, I had someone tell me that they had lost their job a while back and was looking for another one and had prayed in finding the right one.  No jobs in site and suddenly two interviews came and they went on both and were going to be offered at both places.  The decision to go with one came with a lot more pay but seemed a little “iffy” in stability than the other one.  As the person said they were deciding to choose the “more paying job” over the other, a still small voice told them….THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT JOB FOR YOU.   Said person almost just let the still small voice go in and out their ear, however they decided to rely on the voice they heard and went to work with the lesser company.  Now after 14 years….this person said they made the right choice and has had the best job they have ever had in their life.  They also found out the other company went under in less than 2 years and they would have been without a job again.

Choices….we all have to make them day in and out.  They can have a major impact in our lives for the good and the bad.  One bad or good choice can affect us a life time.  For myself, I’ve always tried to include God with my choices and I have to admit, I selfishly sometimes don’t.  And when I didn’t….well, let’s just say God has saved me out of some situations in my bad choices I have made I the past.  We all have stories we could share about making the wrong or right choice.  When it comes down to it….we are not always the best for making them either…..another reason I rely on the Lord.

“Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don’t depend on your own understanding.  Remember the Lord in all you do, and He will give you success.”  (Proverbs 3:5-6 NCV)