Saturday, December 31, 2016


"Auld Lang Syne", a song we sing to end the year and begin a new year.  Some will be doing that this evening.  We count down the minutes, watch the ball drop, kiss our partner and we cheer to the old and new year.

Time is winding down for 2016 as it finally approaches it's end.  It passed way to fast for me.  It will leave us with only memories.  Some are good, some are bad, some were lonely, some were sad....and some brought joy to our hearts.

As we take time to ponder or reflect on 2016, for many of us we would have liked to have had a redo or a chance to change some things that happened.  Maybe wishing we had said some goodbyes to those who left this life and we never got the chance to let them know how much they meant to us or how much we loved them.  Let's hope we learn from it and move on to 2017 and make sure we let those around us know how much they mean to us.

We all can use some reminders of what the past is like...we see mistakes made and see things that brought us such happiness.  The end of this year will also bring the New Year in.  What will be ahead of us in 2017?  Mistakes will be made again, sadness will come, lessons will need to be learned, love, happiness, sorrow....all will be there in 2017.  New adventures are in the making.  I look at a new year just like a brand new journal or diary...white pages as I flip through the book.  What will be written, what will I be telling or writing on the pages of my life for this next year?  Exciting for sure.

As I will take some time this evening and write in my journal to end 2016....I will do reflecting,conjuring up fond memories of fun things I did and I know there will be a few tears shed as well.  It's called living.  With God walking ahead of me and being my Keeper of Time and my Compass, I will follow Him into 2017.  I'm thankful He is there. I know He will guide my steps as I journey along my path.  I will find solace even when there will be some pain and tears as I know He has hold of my hand.  I will be praying my New Year in....and I will say to God, "Show me where I need to go and who I am to meet on my path.  Let me follow You, and I want to let you be my Guide.  What exciting things do you have in store for me in 2017?"


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