Tuesday, December 20, 2016

She Leans

I have a love for old barns.  Always have and the nostalgia that goes along with them. There's a lost era in those old barns.  

While we were on a vacation trip, I had noticed this old barn and took a picture of it.  Was a bit sad to see how it was leaning and falling over.  Oh the stories it might would whisper to us if we would only take the time to listen and let our imaginations run in the field.

After I got home and really looked at the photo, it began to speak to me and remind me how time does effect us all, so this is the little short story that came to my mind.  Little did I know that after I wrote it while looking back over the words it was an analogy of our life and growing older.

SHE LEANS   (November 2013)

Straining against the test of time....she leans.  Ever so hard to stand anymore....she leans.  A long ache of battling the storms and weather in her life.  As she tries with dignity to hold herself high, she is having to succumb to giving way....yet, she leans.

Deep blisters are peeling the deep lines into her shape and form as she proudly shows off her battle scars of the many years she has tried to stand and serve her purpose....and she leans.

How many years longer can she linger and continue on?  Saddened by the lost of longing she once had a fulfilling and vibrant life.  Times of activity and knowing she needed and was an important part of the lives she touched.  Time will tell and....she leans.

So she strains with her last dignity and tries so hard to keep standing.  Wanting to be recognized if only for a bit longer and let others see the pride of this stately old gal if they would only stop a bit and linger to listen to her whisper....she leans.

She vies for a bit more time as she knows that it has become the enemy.  She strains a little more trying to catch some attention as she calls out to the passerby of her glory days and remembered youth....this sad and yet beautiful old barn....she leans.

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