Wednesday, December 14, 2016


I stepped up close enough in the rain  to see the reflection in the puddle of water. It looked so neat of how the trees looked from where I stood and how it made for a nice shot. Then as I got closer to try and photograph it....I began to focus on what it really was. The distortion of dirt, grime and debris that was hidden under the reflection.

All that distortion and debris is laying just under that puddle....fragments of what is real. Most of us would say that we have plenty of that "debris" in our lives that we like to keep hidden under the puddle or rug so to speak. But it's part of us....and when you take a closer look and past the reflection we give off..... we need to get rid of some of it.

We're closing in on the end of 2016....hard to believe. It will soon be a time of "reflecting" over this past year and jumping ahead to reflect on what 2017 will bring. We can begin to reflect on losses, things we should have, could have done better or things we never even got around to doing.....hoping that 2017 will be much different. Before you just jump out there.....take the time to really reflect some. Self-reflection is sometimes a missing piece in our lives. Spend some time sitting quietly and do nothing but rest and reflect. It's mind blowing and good for the soul.....especially in this busy driven world we live in now. Take time to recall your memories of who you are and what you are.....take time to recollect the pieces of your life, even the debris areas.

It made me think of a quote I read somewhere: "Did you ever wonder if the person in the puddle is real, and you're just a reflection of him?" I want to be the "real deal", the person that is not the distortion and filled with debris. I want to make sure I get rid of the crap that will hold me down or make me feel trapped of wishing I had done better in my life. a good tool for making sure we take inventory of our lives.

Great words from King Solomon:
"As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person." (Proverbs 27:19 NLT)

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