Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Eyes of A Child

It's closer to Christmas and if you've run to the stores crazy right now as it's count down time. We all can get so wrapped up tight with all the things going on that has to be done the last few days and we almost get into the "bah humbug" face of Scrooge. The lines aren't moving fast enough, they are out of this and out of that and mad at ourselves for procrastinating and waiting to the last minute to buy certain items. Little things tick us off.

My daughter, Angie, took this picture of my little Grand-daughter, Ella last year. I love the look of her little face and how she is touching the Christmas tree ornaments and light, not caring that Mommy is taking a picture of her....just wait a few more years. But I looked at the picture and that is what I want right now in my life. That WONDER brought back in my life. The awe factor of looking at and enjoying the lights on the tree and not getting so wrapped up in how busy it all is. Looking through the eyes of a child.

We need some reminders at times to slow it down and look at things like a child does. Go back to how Christmas was magic and the joy it brings....not all the rushing around and wanting to get it over with. Children live in the now....children are quick to smile and give a hug as they say, "I love you." We grownups struggle at it and even become so hard and cynical at times and we just plain miss the heart of what Christmas is all about.

Although my three children are grown and now adults...I thank the Lord for my sweet Grand-kids. I get to re-live the wonder of Christmas through their sweet faces and believe in the magic all over again. I challenge you to rediscover the innocence in your own hearts....and think of the true spirit of Christmas. Just slow down and take a close look at the lights on your Christmas tree and think back to simpler times. It will do your heart good.

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