Monday, December 19, 2016

What Do You Do For a Living?

What do you do for a living?  This question is often asked of us and recently I heard a group of people talking and going through this whole surface question....and to be honest with you, I could tell where this question was going and too often in my life, I had been in their shoes.

Think about it for a minute.  It's a broad enough question and most of the time people are just asking it without really wanting to hear anything other than what kind of job you have.  It's almost a way for people to find out if this person meets their criteria of the FITTING IN WITH MY GROUP or circle.  It's a question that is used at times to judge others and I could tell that was exactly how it was going with the group of young professionals as some had that look of bragging rights going on.  The conversation had turned into one of those, "I could care less what you do for a living because what I do is way more important than you." games.  I noticed a couple of the people were shrinking back some and didn't want to play the game, much less say what line of work they they knew the end was coming and they would be trumped by what they said wasn't important.  Sad really, but we've all been there before.  They needed to see the question in a different way.

What do you do for a LIVING?  Many see this as a job description....I don't see it like that.  If someone asks me what I do for a living....usually someone chimes in and says, "she makes cakes, she's the cake lady."  True, I do make cakes to help pay the bills, but it's not what a do for a LIVING.   I LIVE daily.....making cakes is part of my living, but it's so much more.  I'm blessed because making cakes does make me happy and I've had a passion for it since I was a kid.  Day to day....and more so....what you do LOVE doing and are passionate about is not always about your job.  I tell folks that I'm alive each day and I'm living!!  I eat, sleep, paint art, write, pray, love my husband, my kids, my Grand-kids, my friends.  I love to be see and look around me all the wonders of this world.  You get it....I'm LIVING.  That's what I do for a LIVING.

I think if we started asking people what they are "passionate about"....would be a much better opening to start up a conversation with them.  It would be more interesting than what job or title do you have?  Maybe I'm wrong, but I think more would be open and share then and not have this feeling of being put on the spot and feel uncomfortable about the job or title they do or don't have.

So back to the group of young professionals....someone finally got to talking about something else and you could see the relief from a couple of them who didn't have to share what they did for a living.  Sad really as I am sure they may have felt a bit left out.  I know in the past I have and I'm sure some of you have too, left a gathering and head home only to feel a bit of let down because you felt you didn't fit in.  We feel crappy because of the job we have and then feel as if we're less of where we are in our lives, because you do your living just as a job title.

So the question should be asked about your passions in living, not your job.....but since it was thrown out there....WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A answer is...."I have a passion for LIFE."

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