Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Short Pants....But So Is Life!

As a teen girl growing up and being tall, I had a hard time finding blue jeans or slacks (as they called them back then in the Dino days) that were long enough to fit me. My Mom would sometimes have to try and let the hem out as much as she could, or sew a bit of binding tape to try and give them more length. When bell bottoms were popular I was so happy as I could sew some neat print type material to the bottoms to make them lots longer, to drag in the dirt and look very cool, which my Mom didn't think was too cool. Sometimes I even had to buy teen boys jeans as they would be long enough to not get made fun of for having HIGH WATER pants or someone would say, "You wading in water today?" Then laugh or make another joke about my short pants. 

So why say "short pants, but so is life?"  Bringing it together made me laugh. Here's one of those stupid sayings or how did she connect the dots to that? Simple. We can get like I was when my pants were always too short.....worry about how others saw me and spend so much of our time trying to fit in and look like everyone else to keep people from making fun of how we look. All the time spent trying to conform to what others or society was saying was the "in thing" or the "latest" fad or look.....and in just a matter of time, it moves on to something else. We work and work a big part of our life trying to do and go and be.....when our life is flying by us. Gotta have the latest stuff or this isn't good enough and I need this and that and so we work our butts off to get and have. We have so many danged storage units in town for storing all the crap we have...doesn't that say something about having and working too much? Things that really won't matter in like 6 months time or a year....and we are on to something else that is taking seconds, minutes and TIME to try and be like what everyone else is or wanting us to be. Our pants are too short and we don't want to not fit in!

I'm in my early 60's.  Life is too short. I am reminded of it daily as I just look at myself, my kids, my Grand-kids.....and yes, my Mom was right. The older we get the faster it goes. Sadly, it's not just the OLD. I hear small children talk about how fast the time goes. They need to take time to just be kids.....society doesn't let them be kids anymore. We don't sit and just think and just enjoy not doing anything for a little bit or relax. I got to thinking about comparing it to something that popped in my head. I mean we all hear people say....LIFE IS TOO SHORT. Enjoy it while you can.....make the most of your opportunities, you only go around once....on and on. And I see myself getting older and I don't know about you but my days zip by. "The older you get the faster the time goes by." I get it....I see it as I turn the page on my calendar and we are almost to the end of another year.  Time does slip by and it does go by so quickly. 

LIFE, it is too short.....and so are my pants. And it's ok. I am not going to worry about spending so much time on petty things....it's not worth spending anymore of my time, which is so precious anyways.....on trying to fit in, or look like everyone else or have what they have. (I never really did that and I'm not starting now!) If my pants are too short....so be it.....I'm not wearing them for you....I'm wearing them for me and that's ok. I like me for me. I need to slow it down and find things that bring me real joy and not worry about getting and acquiring things...especially to fit in or be the latest trend. So be happy if your pants are short.....be who you are and not like everyone else....life is too short to spend trying to please everyone else. Pants can be made into shorts.....it'll save you time of having to go try to find a pair later on.

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