Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Life's Brush Strokes

2016 is about to come to an end.  Some are jumping up and down saying..."get this year over with"!  Some are looking back with sadness as they lost a family member, lost a friend, some lost jobs, some had major health issues.  So I can understand why some are ready to have a clean start.  The hectic part is over with the holidays and it's back to reality and life in general.  Some going back to work, some going back to school before long, some have major changes to deal with in 2017.  Life goes on, as they say.   We pick up the paint brushes of our lives and get back to mixing the paint and starting the details again.

As a painter one of the biggest lessons I learned was understanding my brushes, the brush strokes that each style of brush could make.  What colors and techniques were I going to use.  How to blend in my colors, and how to control the paint as I would start a painting.  Kind of like my life.  We're all given a brush full of paint.  How do you use the brush to convey the living while we are here.   We can't always control how the paint goes on in our life....but we can learn to go with the flow a bit better.  We don't always have to stay in the lines and sometimes spills happen and a mess can be made....and for some, we can get another color of paint and cover up the mess.  The details will work out. 
What will 2017 look like?  I don't know for sure?  Will there be some sadness, some change and can almost bet on it.  However, I know there will be good times, happy times and memories made.  I know the Master Painter is still painting the brush strokes in my life.  For me, knowing God is in control of the me the comfort and peace to know that 2017  will be ok, no matter what is in store.   My faith and trust in the Master Painter is the best brush stroke to have in this canvas called LIFE.

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