Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Driftwood Beauty

I bought a different kind of Christmas wreath the other day.  I wasn't looking to buy one, but saw this one of all places at Cracker Barrel, while meeting my daughter and family for brunch.  I noticed it, being driftwood and it caught my eye.  It was unique looking and had that artsy look that I like.  I started to walk on through and not buy it and then again, it made me take a second look seeing that it was 40% off, that kind of helped to seal the deal and I bought it.

After I got it home....is when I got to really taking a closer look at each small section of the driftwood and how they had placed it all together to make a nativity sculpture out of it.  The art effect was what pulled me in to notice the hands, bodies of Mary and Joseph and even the baby Jesus.  Just pieces of wood, yet placed just so to make the design that made it stand out.  Nothing fancy, nothing adorned with colors bursting of gold and silver, nothing really to make it be of grandeur or more elaborate.  It was plain and simple.  
Driftwood...that's what it's made of.  Wood that isn't special, the remnant leftovers pieces that have been washed onto a shore or beach by the sea, lake or river.  In some waterfront areas, driftwood is a major nuisance.  So much like the true story of Jesus.  Mary and Joseph, a couple having a baby.  A speck in a crowd who had to travel to be a part of the census at the time.  Leftovers, tossed to the side by what society would have thought of them.
Jesus, born in a manger.  There was no room for the leftovers that had been washed onto an overflowing amount of people of the day.  The simple, the passed over, the ones who were not rich or full of vibrant colors and so they would have not been noticed.  And so Jesus came in a lowly, everyday kind of way....but he came for everyone.  Even to this day, people don't take a close look at who Jesus is.  They don't want any part of him....He's driftwood to them, nothing special or they see Him as a nuisance.  Someone they don't want any part Him..  Sadly, I feel for them.  They miss out on what a wonderful blessing He is and could be to them in their life. And I’m not talking about church…I’m talking about Jesus. 

Many of us think we have it all figured out, when in reality we have no clue at all. Most of us if we are honest feel like driftwood.  We are the ones tossed aside and drift along, hoping and seeking someone out there who will come along and scoop us up out of the crappy waters of life we are in.  Jesus does that.  He will take all the pieces of your life and bring them together to make something unique and beautiful for others to see...if you let Him.  I know it's true....because He has in my driftwood life.  He’s still placing and putting my life together.  He sees the worth and beauty in each of us, even if we feel like driftwood.

"And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn."  (Luke 2:7 KJV)

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