Friday, November 3, 2017

7 Heads Tall

7 heads tall.......that came to my mind yesterday when I started to sketch out another painting. A term that stuck in my mind from one of my art teachers. We had to sketch a live model in class and our teacher reminded us to use the standard of "7 heads tall". This is a measurement that gives you about the right proportion of drawing the human body. Give or take a half or so....some say 8 heads tall in classes now, but they average it out and it's around 7 to 8. I kind of chuckled to myself as I had not thought of that term in quite some time, but then most of the times I am drawing old barns, jars, jugs, etc.

Then my mind wandered to another term I had heard before. "Don't miss heaven by 18 inches." The distance between our head and our heart is 18 inches. Sadly there are lots of people who use their heads only when they think or don't think there is a God. They don't have a REAL RELATIONSHIP with Him. Some say He's there.....He's lots of different things and can be how you want Him to be.  But it's just head knowledge. They don't use their heart in finding out who God really is. It's too easy to stay in your "head" and rationalize all you want to of there not being a God or could there be a God?? But what comes down to your heart. God requires us to have that personal relationship with Him....that comes from your heart, not your head. I'm not talking about being in a church or going to church or following rules and regulations....I'm talking about a RELATIONSHIP, not religion....BIG difference.

Being sketched 7 heads tall is the rule of thumb in art.....having all of your body filled with head knowledge can be great.....but God just wants your HEART. Sometimes a child finds it so easy to understand....and we adults get so full of the knowledge crap.....we may miss heaven by 18 inches.

"Then He said: I promise you this. If you don't change and become like a child, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:3 CEV)

"God does not see the same way people see. People look at the outside of a person, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
(1 Samuel 16:7 NCV)

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


I know right now that some folks are going through some "shadow times" in their life. Some have recently had to go through the shadow of death. For some it's been a shadow of debt, or shadows of conflicts. Shadow times can be depressed times, and shadow times of discouragement. You just feel you have hit a dark spot.

I remember as a kid walking home in the dark and how afraid I would feel looking off to the side of the road in between houses.....a street light or porch light might cast shadows from trees, cars and other objects, and it could be scary. Even some of us have been afraid as a kid just lying in your own bed and seeing shadows on our walls. I have to admit, you don't have to be a little kid to be afraid of certain shadows that come to you in your life.

Something I have learned though as I have gotten older.....a shadow can't hurt you and shadows are always bigger than the source it comes from. Good news is that wherever there's a shadow, there has to be a light. You can't have a shadow without the light. So remember this when you're going through a "shadow time", turn your back on the shadow and look to the light. As long as I keep my eyes on the LIGHT, and to me, Jesus is The Light of the World, then the shadow times don't scare me.

"Once again Jesus spoke to the people. This time he said, “I am the light for the world! Follow me, and you won’t be walking in the dark. You will have the light that gives life.” (John 8:12 CEV)

Monday, October 30, 2017


I posted the pic of the old bottles and many people are like me….we like to COLLECT things.  I have old bottles, platters, etc.  You know I like to collect four leaf clovers.  Collections of old things are all over my house.  Ask any of my friends and family….my house is not IKEA!  Collecting sometimes hold a special memory for some or that bit of nostalgia.

We all collect some things, even if it’s not tangible things.  Some of us wish we could get rid of some of the stuff we collect.  I’m talking about collecting, regrets, un-forgiveness, anger, worries or many bad memories of things we should dump.

I do dump bad thoughts, feelings, regrets, anger and at times….I’ve found I’ve collected a new stash.  It’s a work in progress for us.  The main thing is to stop collecting negative stuff, anything that begins to bring us down or cause us to not be happy.

God’s Word calls on us to think on good things.  As hard as it is at times to do….keep trying, with His help.  When I do let go and look to God it’s so much easier to let go of those bad things I’ve collected in my heart.  Not all collecting is bad….but when the negative comes…..don’t stash it in your heart.  Collect the good things and trash the bad thoughts.

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”  (Philippians 4:8 NLT) 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Hand We're Dealt

My past is just that.....PAST! It did help shape me into who I am today. Yes, I have regrets, we all do. But I can't go back and change some of the things that happened to me....I can't change a thing, except how I dwell or think about the past now. I just choose to not live there anymore. We have to accept the fact that somethings will never go back to how they used to be.

I can't change the cards I was dealt either. I have just learned to play my hand to the best I can and not throw my cards in just yet. From my past, I've learned what is important and I try to capture all the good times I can and learn from all the negative stuff that came my way and not repeat it. Grow and learn from it and get rid of those cards for sure.

So starting today.....I forget what's gone, appreciate what still remains in my hands.....and look forward to the next cards I will draw for my life. Live for those moments that other people don't notice and when you get to thinking about life, remember this: no amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worry can change the future. If you want to heal from old wounds.....stop touching it.

"Brothers and sisters, I know that I have not yet reached that goal, but there is one thing I always do. Forgetting the past and straining toward what is ahead," (Philippians 3:13 NCV)

Monday, October 23, 2017


I don’t know about the rest of you but seems like just a few days will go by and there are things that hit around me hard at times and I know that EVERYONE, even those who say they have deep faith, will face some disappointments, failures, sorry and loss. It’s part of living. Some might try to fill their time up with just plain old business to keep from dealing with issues, but when the crap hits the fan we all know it doesn’t distribute evenly. We are going to get hit with some issues, stress, loss and fears at times that hit us so low.

All of us have goals that somehow remain just out of our reach. Every one of us will suffer temporary setbacks, some that seem to go on forever in our lives too. We will even have folks who turn their backs on us at times and we can either become bitter, angry or become a recluse at times.

Many of us will have a “desert” experience too. Where you feel so dried up inside and that can even mean spiritually dry as well. Let’s be honest, we can even struggle with our faith at times. Believe me, because I have at times too. But in those seasons….it’s ok to cry out loud and bare your soul to the Lord. God is there and He is waiting and ready to hear us when we cry out. He always listens to me and helps me get back to where I need to be, so I know He will hear you too

I so often feel like David, in the Psalms, when he cried out in distress to the Lord. I have been in those shoes as many of you have been before or are going through it right now. Know that it’s OK to cry out to the Lord during these times, because He is there and will hear you. Just hang on!!!

"In my distress I screamed to the Lord for his help. And he heard me from heaven; my cry reached his ears" (Psalm 18:6 NLT)

Friday, October 20, 2017

Autumn Season

Season of autumn.  Summer has gone and now the leaves have changed, falling to the earth and bringing the artist out in all of us as our eyes focus on the beauty of the colors all around. Autumn, that time of the year when crops are being harvested and things are starting to slow down a bit and so in our lives, we feel the chill in the air and know that this season also brings a time of "thankfulness."

As I walked around looking at the leaves on the ground, I noticed the textures and lines, it brought to mind of how many of us are like a leaf.  No two just alike.  We all have different personalities, gifts, talents and styles.  It makes us one of a kind and so unique.  For many of us we blend in too well with all the others and never get noticed, unless someone takes the time to slow down and really see who we are.   I like to watch people and I notice the beauty in others and I am thankful for every person who has crossed the path in my life. 

Many of us are in that season of autumn in our own lives. Sometimes writers use the analogy of autumn as the time in a person’s life when they are growing older.  I can say that I am closer to the autumn in my own life.  However, sometimes the young, green leaves have been stripped from the tree at an early season.  Some are dealing with the loss of loved ones, illnesses that have slowed us down, aches and pains that remind us how fragile we all can be at any point in our life and not just in autumn. 

The leaves will slowly decay and be gone, just like people in our lives and new leaves will appear in the spring just like new friends. But for now, it's a beautiful reminder to me of how so unique each and every one of us are and to be thankful for the many blessed people we have in our life.   Autumn is here....get out and see the beauty around you and in others before it’s gone.

"Everything on earth has its own time and its own season." (Ecclesiastes 3:1 CEV)

Thursday, October 12, 2017

East to West

I used to know this girl in the photo.  I look at this picture and I see a ghost of a girl who once was not afraid to share or speak her mind, at least to others, maybe not so much to her mother out of respect and fear of being smacked into the next week.  I see a girl who liked to go off and think and dwell on thoughts of God and try to find some meaning to her life.  Of knowing who she was and not afraid to let others know she didn’t bend to their ways.  Little did this girl know in the picture that there would come a day she would bend, fold and go off a path she swore she never would. 

As I mentioned, yesterday, about being on zigzag paths and not always able to walk a clear and straight line….there came a time this girl listened to the voices that called and begged her to just come dance to a tune she had never heard or been a part of before.  All the while, deep in her heart of hearts, she still clung to what she knew was true and although she wishes she could remove that hike she took on a bad path, she can’t change it or remove it.  God did though and never let me go and this old gal is thankful when I look back and where I could have ended up.  No way did I deserve Him to save me or forgive me, but He did.

Funny how we all can beat ourselves up at times over things done in the past.  We can’t help but see a picture of ourselves and floods of memories are pulled off the back burner of our minds and some tend to make us feel good and others stir up thoughts we wish we could remove and never taste again.  I’m so thankful that God removes our sins as far as the east is to the west when we come to Him and confess them.   I might not be able to remove the thoughts when they pop in my head but God says He will forgive and forget.  Someone might ask, “How far is east from the west?”  And I like the answer I read one time: “From one nail scarred hand to the other, outstretched.”  When Christ died on the cross, He removed the bad path that girl in the photo once took and I thank Him and I’m so grateful He did.

He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth.  He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.”  (Psalm 103:10-12 NLT)

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


I chuckle at the State Farm commercial where the lady is saying she saw this suede couch and JUST HAD TO HAVE IT….then it switches to the crooks in her living room talking about the same couch and when the crook saw it….HE HAD TO HAVE IT….it was suede!  It got me thinking about everybody wants something.  No matter how old or young we are….everybody wants something.  Today we are bombarded with the newest, latest, and greatest of stuff that says our life won’t be good if we don’t have it.  We won’t be with it or up to date.  I just got a new alert on my cell phone of an update……and if I don’t download the new update then my phone won’t be up to the latest.  Trends, fads, and styles all come and go and in between we all want it!

Sadly for many we find that what we thought we wanted was not what we needed.  It didn’t fill the hole or void in our life and we went on to finding something else or someone else new.  In the wake we have loads of regrets too.  The should have, could haves and wish we hadn’t done.  For some we found out the very thing we thought was going to be best, turned into the worst thing we ever had or done.  Maybe trying to keep up with others has left us in a storm of debt that we’re trying to stay floating and are slowly being covered up by the wave of over spending.  We ended up with something bad and not so green looking after all and we’re left with hurt and pain.

I’m not coming down of folks for getting things as I buy things too but we all need to be reminded to not get caught up in “the trying to keep up with the Jones’s” game.  When we don’t stop and see all the things we are already blessed with, that is when we start thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence and if not careful we get to a point where we are truly unhappy.  Always good to be reminded now and then to be thankful for what we already have.  

Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.  I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.  For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”  (Philippians 4:11-13 NLT)

Monday, October 9, 2017

Light Matters

Light is so cool.....and if you are an artist or photographer, you know how important the light has to be for the outcome of your work. I love the look of the early morning sunlight as it comes in through a window or door and adds a touch of amber or that fresh start to things. However....sometimes the light hits in just the right way and it will show a ton of small particles of dirt and dust on my doors, tables, etc. I could have sworn I had just dusted it and thought it was really cleaned off. To my surprise, the sunlight was showing me that what I thought was clean, was not.

I got to thinking about LIGHT....and we all know how just a strike of a match in a really dark room can illuminate enough to see and find your way around. Some in the science world will tell you that holding up a white piece of paper in the sunbeam, you won't see all the white dust particles in front of the white's not a matter of your eyes adjusting, it's more a matter that the background is bright enough to hide the specks, so they don't stand out. But when it's a bit darker and the sunlight comes'll see the specks of dust. The background is darker.

Just like us. We get so used to the little things we do all the time and think nothing of it....we THINK we got it all under control and we are so good and God must really love us and we've not done anything wrong or bad lately and our eyes see us a the white background....and then Jesus steps up as the LIGHT in our darkness....and man....those particles are showing up then. The small things and sometimes big things that we overlook and tend to not let our eyes see and think smugly that we are all cleaned up, when in fact....there's a ton of dirt we are overlooking. God has a way of shining His LIGHT....His SON-LIGHT in to make sure we open our eyes to see the faults and little sins we tend to overlook and yet point out in others. SON-LIGHT will help us to see things better.

"But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible." (Ephesians 5:13 ESV)

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Waltzing Leaf

Sitting outside, needing some calm in my heart, the wind picked up and was blowing. As I started watching the leaves being swept from the trees like someone giving the limbs a good shake, I started watching a smaller leaf as it fell. 

Slowly it began to float and flutter, swaying up and down lightly as if in slow motion it seemed to go across the blue sky like a beautiful waltz was playing as it took its last dance toward the ground. It hit me that I just had a special little moment in time to be the one to see that leaf and capture the beauty of its dance in my heart.

How long had that leaf taken to grow back in the early spring? How long had that leaf clung to life through all the rains, summer storms and winds we had over the past months? It had held on…until now and my eyes got to see the wonder of its last dance. I had a special moment that brought a smile to my face as I sat and thought about my life.

God surprises me in the smallest of things. I want to always be aware of them around me and to take notice and not miss out. Just like that leaf, I too have to continue to grow, be strong in the storms as the winds of change in my life will come to buffet against me. I continue to cling to Him daily and one day I will then be like that small leaf and I’ll break free and in that moment of time I will let it all go and just be guided and dance to and fro in a beautiful waltz with my Lord.

“Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT)


Someday……we all hear that.  Some day we will go here, do this, and do that….someday.  Most of are good at saying it but never follow through.  I decided back in 2012 that I was going to do a different kind of someday.  I call it my PSALMS DAY.  I started taking a Psalms….any of them and I challenged myself to read one verse at a time….re-read and then write my thoughts down as to what I felt God was saying to me.  I love the Psalms.  I started a journal….and it amazed me at how God really spoke to my heart through each one but it amazed me more so that I was really going on a journey and letting it speak deeply to my heart.  Have I finished them all….nope?  I don’t do it daily….but try to keep at it each week and sadly some weeks slip by me, but I look forward to reading my Psalms and seeing what God has in store for me, verse by verse and I break it down and apply it to my life.  As I do this….it’s as if God is opening my eyes to how real He is.

Just like we say “someday” and we have good intentions and we don’t always follow through….I find myself feeling bad that I let a day go by and didn’t do or have my someday.  Funny how if we don’t stick with something each day it can soon be a thing of the past and just another SOMEDAY that we will get back to.  So I make it a habit and I remind myself as I know how it felt as a child to have someone tell me that “someday” we will do this and how much I was let down when I didn’t get to do it.  Same thing with God…..He looks forward to my Psalm Days with me.  I miss it too.  He has those appointments with me when I do take time to read his Word.

 "I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. (Psalm 119:11 New Living Translation)

Monday, September 25, 2017


I know each morning that the sun will rise....and each evening the sun will set. I trust it will and don't worry that it won't. Many things we tend to just take for granted and things we trust without even thinking about it. We take in a breath and we blow it out, we get up out of bed and get moving each morning…..well, some of us are a bit slower than others. We make us a cup of coffee and we sit down, trusting that chair will hold us as we do. Many things we just go on and never even stop to understand as it’s familiar and we’ve learned to trust each time we had to do something.

It’s the same with God. I don't always have to understand how He will accomplish His plans....I just know He will. All He asks is that I surrender "my will" to His and TRUST that He will show me the way forward. Just like the sun always comes up each morning and I watch it begin another new day, so does my trust in the Lord. I’ve learned to not worry about things so much as He is there just as solid to me as the day before.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and He will show you the right way." (Proverbs 3:5-6 GNT)

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Rule of Business

I had a business owner chat with me, yesterday afternoon, about how he got a little worried at times of keeping his business going. He said he knew I had been doing my wedding cakes for 39 years and wondered how I was able to stay so busy all the time. He was more freaked out about just being in the wedding business for about 4 years now and he noticed more and more starting to do the same thing he was and was worried about staying in business with sinking some $$$ into it. Said he was pretty busy and booking into next year, but worries when he hears of others starting up.

I told him I didn’t have a magic formula for being in business making cakes for 39 years, other than just “keep on keeping on.” My Mother always taught me the Golden Rule….to treat folks the way I wanted to be treated, and it would carry me through. That if I got worked up every time I heard of a new person wanting to make cakes….I’d be worried all the time, but that many who step out into what I do for a living soon find they either can’t cut it, can’t make money at it and drop it after a bit. That I just keep doing what I know best and do the best on each cake order I make. If I treat the customer well, word of mouth is my best advertisement. I no longer really have to run any kind of ads and have more business than I can handle. I told him to think about it….he can’t book every wedding out there. I can’t do every wedding cake or birthday cake in this area….but I am willing to help other decorators by passing on business to them too. It didn’t bother me….as I am busy enough. Stick with it and just keep doing the best for each customer….was my goal.

He said it made him feel better after talking to me and he was not going to give up and that he needed to just STOP and collect his vision again and see that he really was booked and booking into next year, so really he was blessed. I agreed with him and told him I’m not a business person….I hate that part of what I do and to just find his passion and the love he had for when he started up his business…not worry about the other guy.

Come to think about it….we all need to be reminded of that in our lives. Too many look around at what someone else is doing, getting more than they are, buying this and having that….and we need to STOP and see that we really are blessed and have way more than a lot of people. More important to keep treating people the way we want to be treated. It also reminded me after chatting with this guy, that I need to just KEEP ON KEEPING ON and keep fresh the Golden Rule in my life.

“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 7:12 NLT)

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Senior Age

I get it!!! I know many of you who read things I write….are of let’s say the “senior age” and we’re not talking about High School. We’ve reached that certain criteria of being labeled as old coots by the younger generation. I’m constantly bombarded with emails these days on Medicare sign up, insurance supplement companies all vying for me to sign up before I reach 65!! Hitting 63 a few months ago was bad enough but I don’t need help in being reminded daily that I’M OLDER!!! My knee and hip do a wonderful job of keeping me grounded in knowing I am getting older without the help of daily emails saying I’m hitting closer and closer.

All of us are growing older. Face it…..none of us have the fountain of youth. I joke many times and say I wish I could bottle up half the energy of my 3 Grandkids as they go crazy running all over the yard and want this old Gma to chase them or keep up with them….or climb up in the tree house. Sweet Ella always asks me to try and go down the slide….to which Gma tells her there won’t be a slide anymore if old Gma goes down it. Even as I watch my Grand-kids growing older, it reminds me of my age.

Stuff in commercials all the time sending out messages on things that will keep us younger. Face lifts, creams, potions, you name it try to show us we can look and feel younger, when in reality….we are the age we are. Some of us don’t have to act our age though and then again…..some would do better if they did act their age. Gray hair, reading glasses, larger prints books… name it, reminders of age.

My brother and his wife were here over the weekend and we got to talking about what we use to could do and how we don’t have the physical stamina we once had. Our minds still say we can do that….but reality hits us in the stomach of….yeah, try that and you’ll be sorry! I’m not one for throwing in the towel either….and I’ve not called a truce with time and going to just plop in a rocking chair and not do some living, however with my older age does come some wisdom to not be stupid!!!

What matters most to me is not trying to look younger or act younger, but to focus on things that matter most to me. God is number one on my list and then my family and friends. I am the age I am and I can’t change when I was born. I know many who have a fight daily with trying to act or be younger. My motto has become: “Age is mind over matter. I don’t mind my age, so it don’t matter.” Again….what does matters is how I am letting God still be in my life and using me and I don’t have to look a certain way or try to be something I am not.

“So we aren’t depressed. But even if our bodies are breaking down on the outside, the person that we are on the inside is being renewed every day.” (2 Corinthians 4:16 CEB)

Monday, August 28, 2017

The Potter

This early morning as I am moving around and collecting my thoughts from being gone the last 5 days to what is ahead of me this week.  Trying to plan some catching up and as I’m sipping on my cup of coffee I looked over to the corner of my family room and I see some of the pottery my brother, Ron, had made and given to me at different times in my life when he was still alive.

My mind begins to take a nostalgic turn in the road as I start looking at the design of the hand thrown pot.  It brings waves of sadness that pulls and ebbs with each flow as I think upon the hands of my brother as he once made this beautiful piece from just a solid lump of clay.  I am also reminded of another Potter, the ONE who took me from just a lump of clay and has so far molded me into who I am and what He wants me to be. 

The Master Potter is not finished with me yet and though he may have to use his tools to cut away some of the mistakes and situations that cause marks in how I am to become, I have to trust that He is the one who sees the finished design and one day I will be that beautiful piece of pottery that He had in mind all along. I think of the old hymn:

Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way!
Thou art the Potter, I am the clay.
Mold me and make me after Thy will,
While I am waiting, yielded and still.

Help me to be still and to yield to the Potter's Hands.
"And yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand." (Isaiah 64:8 NLT)

Monday, August 21, 2017


This morning as I was reading a devotion….it jumped out at me, as most of us are preparing to watch the Eclipse later this afternoon, that God’s love continues to shine on us. I was drawn to remember who my Creator is and how His hand in in control of the sun, moon and stars all around me.

As we watch the moon come into place and darken the sun out, God is my LIGHT. There is no darkness in Him at all. We live in a world that seems to continue to be so evil and full of hate and it tries to extinguish or diminish our hope. God in all His brilliance is much brighter than the sun and His Glory will fill you with joy, love and hope.

When things in this world and in your own life try to upset or bring you down, hold on to God’s hand. Refuse to be intimidated and know He is with you. God’s light can break through any darkness we will go through.

Today as I watch the eclipse, I will be praising God, Who is the maker of it all. I will spend some time basking in His holy light and let His Face shine upon me. His love for us never dims!

“For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.” (2 Corinthians 4:6 NLT)

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Reason for HOPE

I had a question that hit me as I was reading a book. It asked, “When was the last time someone REALLY stopped you and asked about the REASON of your hope?” Wow, I mean in all seriousness, I did have to really think and then I had to admit my thought was OUCH!

If we’re honest here, there really isn’t anything about our lives worth asking about. Most of us just go day in and day out in the most normal way, nothing sets us apart from anyone else. We robotically get up, deal with normal life and go to bed and do it all over again. There’s nothing that intrigues someone to ask about our hopes, nothing to make someone curious.  Now, I’m not saying none of us have hope. I mean…I hope I have enough money in the bank to pay my bills each week. Enough money to go on a vacation trip. We hope our favorite team makes it to the World Series, we hope we don’t get cancer or we hope we can deal with cancer. Everybody has some kind of hopes like that and there’s nothing wrong with that but it’s also not unusual. So why would most folks ask us about that? It’s just normal life in general.

What got me to thinking is, I don’t want my walk with God to be something that no one sees. I don’t want it to be something that others don’t ask about and wonder what my real hope is in. I know I share these devotions on my page and I know some read them and comment, that’s not what I am fishing for is comments. I just hope some are reading them. I pray each time I post that it will bring some meaning to someone else’s life on here. Maybe help to make a difference for their day and place some HOPE that they have a reason to even live.

If you don’t feel you have that HOPE in your life. I’m here for you. I sure don’t know all the answers there are in the Bible but I can sure help you find what you are seeking. No mumble jumble coming to church stuff, that’s not what it’s about. But if you want real hope….God is there. Believe me, not talking religious stuff….I’m not even going there. But I can pray for you and get you on the right track if you need someone to talk to. I just know that I have HOPE that is the best kind and you can have through Jesus Christ.

“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13 NLT)

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Sometimes I feel like the $5 DVD bin at Walmart.  Strung here there and everywhere.  Not organized, turned upside down, sideways….you’ve seen it and know what I mean.  Everyone wants to dig around and pull stuff up and out and if it’s not to their liking, they toss it back and walk away.

Sounds kind of silly to use a DVD bin as an object lesson, but for most of us if we are normal blooded people, we know the feeling.  We get hit from all directions over feeling just looked at and tossed over.  From work, home, the kids to even doing it to ourselves.  We give off a good vibe of being one thing and as folks get closer to us….they can sometimes read what or who we really are and NOPE….toss you back and walk away.  They don’t want to watch and see who you really are, they only read the cover like a book and toss it back.  Sadly, we judge so many people these days by how they look, act, or seem. 

If we don’t take the time to really listen and get to know someone, we will never know the real person behind the cover.  I remember going to my 10 year class reunion (they just had the 45th one, so tells you how long it’s been!) and one gal who would have never given me the time of day in high school sat down and we got to laughing and talking.  She told me she wish she had gotten to know me better back then, that I was someone she would have liked to hang out with.  I wasn’t much better either as I thought she was too high and mighty at the time to get to know.  Both of us had missed an opportunity because we judged one another.  We were more alike and probably would have been good friends
Don’t miss seeing someone for just their cover.  So many people are hurting and we walk by daily and never notice the down and out.  We judge too easily these days and can miss knowing someone who might just be one of the best parts of your life….or what you need in your life right now.

“Some of you accuse others of doing wrong. But there is no excuse for what you do. When you judge others, you condemn yourselves, because you are guilty of doing the very same things.”  (Romans 2:1 CEV)

Friday, August 4, 2017

Heart Love

"I've discovered that if people are not on my heart, they’re on my nerves. Heart love begins with understanding why someone feels the way they do. Ask questions and then listen. Hear the hurt, look for the problems, know what makes them tick. You need to understand the moods of the people closest to you, why they act the way they do. If you care, you’ll be aware. " (Rick Warren, Saddleback Church)

I do this. Something in me.....I pick up on those around me....I see hurts and or hear them share their problems.  I tend to have a lot of sympathy that turns over into empathy and I somehow end up trying to help others around me all the time.

However, it's not always given back or folks aware of the pain I am going thru at times, or problems I may have.....because, I don't always send out the vibes that something is going on.  I am good at masking and don't share the hurts, or let others see that I may be hurting or something is deeply bothering me.  I put on the mask or I keep trying to just help others and go on.  So many times when I am throwing out some advice or lifting someone else up through a word or trying to help….inside I have to go off and be by myself and almost shut down to recoup.

I'm the clown, cheerleader, and helper, that person who wears the smiling face and makes sure that everyone else is taken care of......because I have people on my heart all the time. I have HEART LOVE for those around me.  It’s part of what is called my “spiritual gift” to encourage those around me.   But some days....I'm like Rick Warren says.....when they are not on my heart....folks can really get on my nerves. So if I care.....I'll be more aware and slow down and try to understand that person a little better.  I put myself in their shoes and I take time out to feel what they are going through.  Heart love….look around folks, people need some of us to stop and understand them instead of getting upset with them.

“Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.  Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.”  (Romans 12:9-10 NLT)

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Small choices add up and can have a big effect.  At the time, when we make a small choice we don’t always see the result from it or an impact it may make later on.  Just an example, for many of us if we make the wrong choice in eating something we can feel the major effects of it later on with heartburn or worse.  Some of the decisions we make today will determine the stories we tell about our lives tomorrow or down the road. 

I’ve talked to many people about how a choice they made in their youth has dogged them every day now as they have gotten older.  Bad choices made led to jail time, drug use, habits that are hard to kick and some have lost all they had, including their family.  All because of a choice they had made and didn’t see the result or how it would impact their life later.  On the other hand, I’ve also talked to those who said they had made a good choice after thinking and weighing the options they had in front of them before deciding.
Recently, I had someone tell me that they had lost their job a while back and was looking for another one and had prayed in finding the right one.  No jobs in site and suddenly two interviews came and they went on both and were going to be offered at both places.  The decision to go with one came with a lot more pay but seemed a little “iffy” in stability than the other one.  As the person said they were deciding to choose the “more paying job” over the other, a still small voice told them….THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT JOB FOR YOU.   Said person almost just let the still small voice go in and out their ear, however they decided to rely on the voice they heard and went to work with the lesser company.  Now after 14 years….this person said they made the right choice and has had the best job they have ever had in their life.  They also found out the other company went under in less than 2 years and they would have been without a job again.

Choices….we all have to make them day in and out.  They can have a major impact in our lives for the good and the bad.  One bad or good choice can affect us a life time.  For myself, I’ve always tried to include God with my choices and I have to admit, I selfishly sometimes don’t.  And when I didn’t….well, let’s just say God has saved me out of some situations in my bad choices I have made I the past.  We all have stories we could share about making the wrong or right choice.  When it comes down to it….we are not always the best for making them either…..another reason I rely on the Lord.

“Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don’t depend on your own understanding.  Remember the Lord in all you do, and He will give you success.”  (Proverbs 3:5-6 NCV)

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Counting Days

Lately I’ve been hearing folks talk about “counting days”. One was counting days till their retirement in another month. Another counting down till vacation, while another was counting the days till their new baby arrived. Kids are counting down the days they have left of summer till school starts back up and so are the teachers. Sadly, one told me they had been counting the days till their loved one passes on. Face it, we all count our days at times but what really got me to thinking was, DO WE REALLY MAKE OUR DAYS COUNT?

Most of us have heard the little saying that you have the date you were born and the date you will pass away on your headstone, but it’s the dash in between that is the living. It’s true, those are the days we count. Talking with the person, who’s family member is passing away, they told me they had wished they could get some of their days back with their loved one and make the days really count with them. I know we are all guilty of it. We get so busy living the dash that we don’t really make our day count.

I told my friend that they can’t change the days that are gone, but they can make each remaining day count and be precious that they do have with their loved one. Make those so special that they will not feel guilty for taking the time out to make those days count with them. I’m not preaching, but we all know it’s true. We fill our days up with so much stuff, crap, cell phones, tweets and one day we will look back and wish we had made our days count better with our family and friends.

I’m being perfectly honest with you all as I know I can let my days slip by and look back on a calendar and say….can’t even remember what happened on those days and nothing really will have counted. It was the same old same old routine and I could have, should have, but didn’t.

Are you counting the days…..or are you making your days count?

“You don’t really know about tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for only a short while before it vanishes.” (James 4:14 CEB)

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Zip the Lips

Our words have power.   Words can bless someone or break them down.  The old childhood saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me”, is a lie.  We all know too well how someone’s words cut us to the bone like they were using a steel blade knife.

I’ve got a scar on my right knee from falling on a rock as a kid.  It caused a gash that to this day is still there but rarely do I think about it anymore.  However, I can still remember like it was yesterday of some hurtful words that someone said to me or called me as a kid.  Being called worthless, you’ll never amount to anything, has stabbed at me many times over the years.  Other times, hearing someone tell me that you are important, that you do matter, have helped to shape me to who I am today.  I was told that God loved me and through Him, I have been able to move past negative words and not let them bother me to this day, but to be honest, it still does hurt at times.

Same with everyone.  Sometimes, we don’t realize what we are saying to those around us.  We use social media like it’s a right to put someone down or make fun of them.  Bullying comes in so many different forms these days.  We belittle people and then sit and chalk up another notch on our belts.  It doesn’t matter if you say the words out loud, in front of the person.  We type emails, tweet, and text words that we ourselves wouldn’t like to be said to us.  They have the power to hurt or help.

Next time you start to say, text, type your words to others….STOP and make sure what you are saying would hurt or help that person.  It’s hard to take something back when it’s been said.

Help me to guard my words whenever I say something.”  (Psalm 141:3 CEV)

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Many who know me, really know me, know that I am an Encourager.  I can’t help it….call me the side line cheerleader.  My older brother, Ron, always told me I was his personal cheerleader and I have a few close friends who have told me they can count on me to cheer them on when they are feeling low.  As a Believer and Follower of Christ….God gives us what is called SPIRITUAL GIFTS.  Now this is different than just talents we have been blessed with.  If you read in 1st Corinthians 12, the list is there.  Some can have a few, but not all.  There are some on-line tests you can take to find out what your gifts are.  And funny, when you take the test….it really does fall in to your personality, things you like to do and other talents you may have that can be used for God’s Glory.  Encouragement is my top one.

This morning I was heavy in my heart over several friends I have that are going through some tough times.  Seems if you are an “encourager” God tends to send those who need it the most your way.  But where does the cheerleader get some encouragement when they are always cheering others on?  I asked God that this morning, which I already knew the answer but was having one of those little “pity parties” with myself and feeling a bit alone.  I stepped outside and went to my little area where I will swing at times and look over the back field. 

GOD let me see and hear all around me.  Open my eyes and ears, He said.  Birds were singing all over the place.  Blue sky and a breeze with light clouds forming off in the distance.  Bees buzzing around my wild flowers and the sounds of the cicada’s chiming in.  I felt the warmth come over me and could hear God say….THERE YOU GO CHEERLEADER….I know your heart is heavy but you carry on for me.  Listen and be cheered by how blessed you are.   I was….and my shoulders lifted a bit and I felt stronger.

As I got back up to head in the house…..I stopped for just a minute and looked down….BINGO…a 4 leaf clover!  Some might call it a fluke, some might say just a coincidence….but I knew it was God letting me know He was there and it made me smile.  I was encouraged big time.  God cares about all of us and He is in to the “little things” to show us He’s there.  This cheerleader got encouraged for sure.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Colors Show

Color gets the credit but value does the work?  This was an art blog this morning that I was reading.  It was saying that if you look closely at any painting that draws you in that likely you will find that the color played a big roll but it was the value of how much color was used that really did the trick.  The value is how light or dark a color is.  

If you work in painting….black will give you shades of a color where white adds tints or highlights to the color, thus shadows with dark and light with the whites.  The blogger was saying that the value of each color used is what makes the painting stand out. 

Some of you may look at some paintings and see where this works really well.  Next time you look at a painting….look at the background.  The darker the color in the background will cause the colors to pop out all through the painting.  Thus sometimes the masters would use an all-black background.  Other times the lighter background sets it off.  So it’s all about color but the value of colors makes it stand out.

Made me think about people.  I know several people who stand out both ways.  Some are always bubbling and full of life and no matter what goes on in their life….they stand out for being happy and make it through things.  We are drawn to them and enjoy being around them.  Then there are those who are always down, deep in moods, negative and we sometimes want to avoid being around them or we feel we will get drawn into the dark colors of their life.   Many of us don’t realize the true colors of ourselves.  We don’t stop to really see if we are a shining light or sending out darkness to those around us.  But believe me, we see it in others.   Just as that color draws us to a painting, the color we give off shows what we value.

 “But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.”  (Ephesians 5:13 NIV)

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


I was working on a more detailed painting and I had to use a special desk/light magnifying glass to really get a good look at the design I was doing. It helped me to really see where I needed to add some lines and make sure they looked ok. But it got me thinking about how someone was telling me that they knew someone who always liked to magnify the details in someone else's life. This person told me she was on the receiving end.....that the person was making sure to bring tiny details to light and use them to belittle her, instead of seeing the good that they had been doing and trying to do things right.

So many of us are guilty of this. Call it what you want.....blaming, accusing someone, gossiping about them, nit-picking them to shreds, condemning them and just judging before we know someone. We know what it is and we know it's usually to make our self-look much better. We are in a habit of pointing a finger and still having 3 pointing back at our self but we choose the blinders then.

Instead of tearing someone down or trying to find tiny issues with a magnifying glass....we should be repairing and building others up. We all need to be seeing the good in them....seeing them as a person, a friend, a loved one. After all....what if we turned the magnifying glass on our own life.....many of us wouldn't like what we see.

"Some of you accuse others of doing wrong. But there is no excuse for what you do. When you judge others, you condemn yourselves, because you are guilty of doing the very same things." (Romans 2:1 CEV

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

True Love

TRUE LOVE. So many these days think they know the meaning of true love. But do we really? We might say we do but I saw an example of TRUE LOVE the other evening at a restaurant while on a trip. We had gone in to try the food out and were sitting waiting for the waitress to come to our table. I saw an older man wheel his wife in and another waitress moved chairs out of the way to accommodate her chair.

You could tell she was to the stages of later Alzheimer’s. I could tell she had been a beauty in her younger years. Here she sat with an indifferent stare while he lovingly tended to get his wife just right. He made sure she was next to him and every so often he held her hand and brushed her hair back a bit while waiting on the waitress to come take their order all the while smiling and talking to her.

The woman just stared off in space and he talked to her pointing out different things to see around the place and once in a while she would make contact with him and he would just smile as if he had just stolen a few precious moments with her. The food came and he began to feed her as she couldn’t do it herself. She would chew and some food would fall out of her mouth but he would be right there to get it taken care of and wipe her mouth off and just kept talking to her, asking her how she liked everything. Again, he would put his hand on her shoulder or pat her hand as he would take bites of his own food.

Now to most in the place, they may have just seen an older man feeding an old woman and why would he bring her in a place and have folks look at them. What I saw was love. He didn’t look around at others to see if they approved or were making fun or staring…he was loving her. I thought of all the couples I saw in the restaurant and wondered how many would do that for their mate. How many would really take on the vow of loving for better and worse, sickness and health? Now days it’s hard to find that.

I noticed my husband, look over and then he looked back at me and gave my hand a squeeze, he saw what I saw too. Love like that is for real. I have told my children many times to think hard about a person they may date and started to get serious about. Would they see that person down the road loving them no matter what happened to them and vow to stand by them and take care of them?

Good question for many but I know I saw true love that evening.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Doing The Math

You do the math!!! I’m sure all of us have heard that when things don’t seem to add up. Bills to pay monthly and then you throw in an added unexpected cost like a trip to the ER or maybe the car broke down or needs new tires. Many of us live pay check to pay check. We sit down to look over the bills and we re-add and redo as much as we can and then we sit and scratch our heads and wonder how we can make the math come out right.

Maybe it’s not bills but something has come along that’s happened in your life and things are just not adding up right. Worries, concerns, loss of loved ones or other issues crowd in and we can’t get things to come out right. We just want to throw up our hands at times and wonder how we can make it through.

God does a different kind of math. I could tell you many ways He has taken care of things in my life when I didn’t think there was a way at all. I get worried, I have bills to pay, I have concerns and sometimes can’t get things to add up, however I trust God and let Him help me to take care of things. Now don’t get me wrong and think He’s a big magic lamp to rub when I need things. I know I might still have to work to get an extra cake order, but out of the blue one comes in that I didn’t expect to get. He comes through for us in so many ways and times when we didn’t think there was any way it could happen.

I trust Him. I trust Him with my bills and that means I don’t over spend when I know I don’t have the extra money. I trust Him when I am worried, afraid, concerned. I know He will make a way when there seems to be no other way. Because I have a RELATIONSHIP with Him. He takes care of things and sometimes in ways I wasn’t expecting, but He took care of it.
Believe me, in my mind when things don’t seem to add up….I let God do His “Divine Math” and takes care of it or gives me the peace in knowing it’s getting taken care of. I thank Him daily for always being there with me and I know His math always adds up.

“God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.” (1 Peter 5:7 CEV)

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Ice Berg Analogy

You ever find yourself in a room full of people and you’re expected to share a little bit about yourself in like 20 words or so? You may be the type that doesn’t like sharing in front of others in the first place and now you have to tell them all who you are in less than a minute. We might say who we are married to, our age (maybe not), what we do for a living or did do for a living, hobbies, achievements, or our interests? For some of us, we feel we don’t measure up when others are sharing things that sound so cool or neat. We may begin to feel even more awkward that we are just plain old plain old. We live in a performance-driven world….people are interested in status, titles or positions. And for many…we feel we don’t fit in.

What’s really under your surface is more important. Not what others think….but what God thinks of you. That’s more important than status. It’s like an ice-berg. What is seen above the water is only 10% and is what most people see of us….but what is beneath the water (around 90%) is what we really are in God’s eyes.

God doesn’t care about titles, how many jobs you’ve had, talents, trophies you’ve earned or degrees. God looks at our substance (heart) not our status. God loves a humble, contrite heart over any of those other things. He’s more interested in “what we are becoming” over what we have accomplished.

It’s easy to look at others and make a quick judgment about them by their present or past but we are only seeing 10% of that person and may not know all the tears and aches someone has in the 90% that is not showing. What we show to others is just the tip of the ice-berg and we keep the other part hidden at times. We all have the deep lines, cracks and scars that hit our very soul. Those are emotions that we carry, the hurts, insecurities and pains that others don’t see, but God does. He’s ready to help you live beyond just a status issue. He helps heal the 90% of things we don’t always share with others…..because He loves the one and only you, 100%!

“There is nothing that can be hid from God; everything in all creation is exposed and lies open before his eyes. And it is to him that we must all give an account of ourselves.” (Hebrews 4:13 GNT)